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David Walker’s Pause zooms in on those small everyday moments that generally escape us: a glimpse of a woman driving the other way, the instant before pulling the cord of the lawnmower, the drifting of thoughts while lifting weights . . . These poems are attentive to the fine details of their moments, and to their significance—a Christmas, for example, after the parents split, with those remaining “sitting on faraway couches passing / brightly colored bags with flimsy tissue.” Pause is a wonderful first collection.


- Jeff Mock


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Individual Works

(Appearing in Literary Journals and Anthologies)


"Twenty Minutes in the Shower with a Migraine" (Forthcoming)



"Sestina for Housesitting" (Forthcoming)


Mouse Tales Press

"Fable" (July 2014)

"Same Roofs" (April 2014)


The Quotable

"Upon Visting My Father" (June 2014)


The Corner Club Press

"Instructions Not Included" (May 2014)


Fresh Ink

"Visiting My Grandmother" (April 2014)

"Remodeling the Kitchen" (April 2014)



"Putting Shebah Down" (April 2014)



The Kitchen Poet

"If, After Reading Emerson's Nature, I Have a Transparent Eyeball Experience and a Pen Handy" (April 2014)


Drunk Monkeys

"When Asked to Mow the Lawn" (February 2014)


Words Dance

"Regret" (Literary Sexts Anthology, February 2014)

"Dr. Baylor's Childhood" (January 2014)


MadHat Lit

"Relativity" (January 2014)


Cactus Heart

"Sometimes Swinging Doesn't Point to Anything Else" (December 2013)


Noctua Review

"Here's What I Did" (April 2012)


Paper Nautilus

"Flat Coke in the Morning" (October 2011)

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